Online Shopping Pet Peeves By Generation, June 2014 [TABLE]

Online Shopping Pet Peeves By Generation, June 2014 [TABLE]

Female and older shoppers aren’t feeling digital shipping costs, according to a June 2014 study by Harris Interactive.

Among US internet users surveyed who had at least one digital shopping pet peeve, shipping costs were the most common, cited by 66% of respondents, compared with 38% who said getting an item that didn’t look like it did online was irritating, the No. 2 response.

Broken down by gender, more than seven in 10 female internet users said shipping costs peeved them, compared with 60% of male respondents. Meanwhile, millennial web users, often considered frugal, were the age group least likely to care about shipping costs. Six in 10 18- to 36-year-olds cited shipping fees as annoying, compared with 68% of Gen Xers and 69% of baby boomers. This percentage dropped slightly for those 68 and older. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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