TV Binge-Viewers Attitudes Toward Advertising, July 2014 [CHART]

TV Binge-Viewers Attitudes Toward Advertising, July 2014 [CHART]

Roughly 6 in 10 binge-viewers (defined as TV viewers who watch at least 3 episodes of the same TV show in one sitting) agree that they enjoy binge-viewing because they don’t have to watch ads, and slightly more than half think that ads have no place in the binge-viewing experience, finds Annalect in newly-released survey results. At the same time, binge-viewers responding to the survey were twice as likely as those who don’t binge-view to say they often discuss ads with their friends and family and share ads via social media, suggesting that they are receptive to advertising in general. Moreover, more than one-third wouldn’t mind seeing ads while binge-viewing if it lowered their subscription rate (38%), and a similar proportion (35%) agreed that the ads provide a break during the binge-viewing experience.

Of course, it’s worth asking just how many ads binge-viewers are even exposed to. According to the study, Netflix – which doesn’t show ads – is by far the preferred binge-viewing platform for Millennials and Gen Xers, though broadcast/cable TV marathons are next among both groups and are easily the preferred way for Baby Boomers. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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