Millennials & Loyalty Programs, June 2014 [TABLE]

Millennials & Loyalty Programs, June 2014 [TABLE]

US Millennials (aged 20-34) over-index in their participation in loyalty programs and are the generation most likely to modify their shopping behavior on the basis of loyalty program benefits, according to the “2014 Loyalty Report” from Bond Brand Loyalty (formerly Maritz Loyalty Marketing). Results from the survey of loyalty program members indicate that 6 in 10 Millennial respondents would switch the brands they buy and two-thirds would change when and where they shop if it meant getting more benefits. Moreover, two-thirds said that they wouldn’t be loyal to a brand that doesn’t have a good loyalty program.

The study authors note that this is a significantly higher percentage than among Boomers (45+). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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