Mobile Hispanics' Device Ownership, March 2014 [CHART]

Mobile Hispanics' Device Ownership, March 2014 [CHART]

US Hispanics are known to be avid consumers of mobile content, as they own smartphones and tablets at higher rates than the general population. Among this demographic, the millennial generation may lead in smartphone ownership and usage, but it’s the Gen Xers who dominate in daily tablet use.

Nearly all US mobile phone users surveyed by PricewaterhouseCoopers in March 2014 were smartphone owners. Hispanics overindexed, with 95% reporting they had a smartphone, compared with 93% non-Hispanics who said the same. It’s a similar trend when it comes to tablet ownership: 53% of Hispanic mobile users said they had such a device, while just 51% of the non-Hispanics surveyed did. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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