Western European Online Ad Spending By Country, 2012-2018 [TABLE]

Western European Online Ad Spending By Country, 2012-2018 [TABLE]

Spending on display ads continued to gain momentum, logging higher growth than any other format, at 14.9%, and a total value of €9.2 billion ($12.27 billion). But spending on search remained greater overall, at €13.4 billion ($17.87 billion), and rose almost as much (13.0%).

The UK topped the list of the most valuable digital ad markets in Western Europe, followed by Germany and France. But across Europe as a whole, the most impressive growth was seen in Russia (26.8%) and Turkey (24.3%)—where online platforms were just beginning to realize their potential for advertisers and brands. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
