B2B vs. B2C Marketers' Single Most Important Social Channel, May 2014 [CHART]

B2B vs. B2C Marketers' Single Most Important Social Channel, May 2014 [CHART]

Facebook is easily the most important social platform for B2C marketers, but the same isn’t true for B2B marketers, according to Social Media Examiner’s latest annual “Social Media Marketing Industry Report”. In fact, not only does LinkedIn rival Facebook in overall adoption by B2B marketers, but a slightly larger proportion (33%) named it their single most important platform than did Facebook (31%). About two-thirds of B2B respondents are interested in learning more about LinkedIn.

B2B marketers’ tilt towards LinkedIn is to some extent a reflection of their audience’s preferences. According to a new MarketingCharts Debrief, “Reaching and Influencing B2B Buyers and Decision-Makers,” B2B buyers and decision-makers over-index the general population in their usage of LinkedIn more than any other major social network across the desktop web, the mobile web, and mobile applications. LinkedIn is also the social network that they’re most likely to use primarily for business purposes. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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