Online Video Ad Viewability By Publisher Type, May 2014 [CHART]

Online Video Ad Viewability By Publisher Type, May 2014 [CHART]

Only 44% of online video ad impressions from September through December last year were found to be viewable, though that figure was almost twice as high (78%) for major media ad impressions. Those figures use the 2013 measurement standard of viewability (50% of the ad in-view for at least one second); upcoming IAB standards define viewability as 50% of the ad being in-view for at least 2 seconds. Meanwhile, Vindico also finds that just 34% of digital video ads in the Sept-Dec period represented a TV-like quality experience – more than half of those impressions were viewable. Source: Vindico [PDF]

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The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
