Media Channel User Buy Agency Media Buyers In 2013 [CHART]

Media Channel User Buy Agency Media Buyers In 2013 [CHART]

More than 9 in 10 digital media buyers with budgets larger than $5 million used mobile (93%) and video (93%) last year, rivaling use of display (98%) and outpacing adoption of social (85%). Digital agency media professionals with budgets larger than $5 million show a greater level of adoption of mobile, video, and social than their counterparts with smaller budgets. Meanwhile, some 7 in 10 respondents overall would like to learn more about cross-device advertising this year; fewer are interested in learning more about mobile (61%), video (45%) or social (41%) advertising.

Conversant commissioned Bovitz, Inc. ( to conduct a study of agency media professionals at large and midsize agencies. The survey was conducted in January, 2014. Respondents at all experience levels were included in the sample. The questionnaire, which was administered online and via mobile, took approximately 10 minutes to complete. Respondents were offered compensation to complete the survey. A total of 652 respondents completed the full survey. Source: Conversant

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The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
