Facebook Mobile Advertising Metrics, Q1 2014 [TABLE]

Facebook Mobile Advertising Metrics, Q1 2014 [TABLE]

Almost three-quarters of Facebook mobile ad spending was directed at mobile application install ads in Q1. Page post ads represented 3% of impressions, but picked up almost 8% of clicks, with a CPM ($9.38) almost twice as high as the other mobile ad formats. Meanwhile, on desktops, 81% share of ad spending was allocated to News Feed units, with Unpublished Page Post (UPP) units alone capturing 47% of total spend. Nanigans notes that UPP units earn an ROI that is on average 200% higher than Right Hand Side (RHS) domain ads.

To analyze quarterly data in its historical context, an aggregate data set was built from the advertisers and partners who have been active on the Nanigans Ad Engine platform from Q1 2013 to Q1 2014. Nanigans clients include 200 of the world’s leading performance marketers in retail, travel and gaming. Source: Nanigans

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