Online Video Ad Views, December 2011 – March 2014 [CHART]

Online Video Ad Views, December 2011 - March 2014 [CHART]

Online video ad views (desktops and notebooks only) grew to 28.7 billion in March, more than double the year-earlier period (13.2 billion). The percentage of the online population watching a video ad rebounded from a low point in February to reach 54.3%, with the average frequency of ad views – 170 times during the month – the second-highest total to-date. With its 3.9 billion ad impressions in March, Live Rail was the top property for the first time, slightly ahead of AOL (3.8 billion). Meanwhile, Americans viewed 46.6 billion online content videos, down from 49.2 billion in February. Google Sites remained the top video property. Source: comScore

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