Email Open & Click Rate Trends, Q4 2009-Q4 2013 [CHART]

Email Open & Click Rate Trends, Q4 2009-Q4 2013 [CHART]

Open rates have been trending up, while click rates are moving in the opposite direction. The report also notes that about 45% of emails deployed during Q4 2013 could be characterized as marketing messages, with these seeing below-average open (29.2%) and click (12.8%) rates. Meanwhile, triggered emails continued to outperform business-as-usual emails in open (49%) and click (10%) rate. As for list performance, half of the average list had at least one open or click during the prior 12 months, though 62% of new subscribers (during the prior 3 months) had no opens or clicks. The study is compiled from 7 billion emails sent in Q4 2013 (October through December) across multiple industries and approximately 140 clients.  SourceEpsilon

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The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
