Reasons American Millennials Switch Brands, March 2014 [CHART]

Chart - Reasons American Millennials Switch Brands

A lot of marketers’ time and energy is spent on Millennials, much of that under the assumption that it’s important to capture the attention and loyalty of this demographic while they’re young and impressionable. But while most Millennials (aged 18-33) responding to an Adroit Digital survey feel that they’re as – if not more – brand loyal than their parents, the vast majority also believe that brands today will have to work harder to earn their loyalty than they did to earn their parents’ loyalty.

What’s more, roughly three-quarters of respondents agree that they – and others their age – choose their favorite brands on a different set of criteria than their parents. And given their access to and familiarity with new technologies (e.g. mobile, social), about the same proportion feel that they are making smarter brand choices than their parents. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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