Multi-Device Users & Switching Behavior, March 2014 [TABLE]

Table - Multi-Device Users & Switching Behavior

6 in 10 online adults in the US and UK use at least 2 devices every day, while one-quarter in the UK and one-fifth in the US use 3 devices daily, reports GfK in the results of a study commissioned by Facebook. A large proportion of multi-device users sometimes start one activity on one device but transition to another to finish it; in fact this behavior extends to 40% of the online adults surveyed. Most commonly, the study found, users switch devices in order to finish a task on a larger screen.

Not surprisingly, the prevalence of device-switching increases alongside the number of devices owned. Within the US, a slight majority 53% of respondents who own 2 devices switch between them to finish tasks, while 77% of those who own 3 devices do so. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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