Hispanic Share Of Nationwide Discretionary Spending Estimates, Summer 2011-Summer 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Hispanic Share Of Nationwide Discretionary Spending Estimates

Total discretionary spending estimates for Hispanic households has grown during each quarter. At $193 billion in this latest study, Hispanic DSE is up from $184 billion in the Spring study, $182 billion in the Winter study, and $174 billion in the Fall 2012 study. Moreover, Hispanic DSE has been growing swiftly on a year-over-year basis, with this year’s Summer estimate of $193 billion being $24 billion (14.2%) higher than in 2012 ($169 billion), which in itself was $25 billion (17.4%) higher than a year earlier ($144 billion in Summer 2011).

As a result, Hispanics now represent 10.9% of nationwide discretionary spending, up from roughly 10.6% in 2012 and 9.6% the year before. (Given the non-linear trends nationwide, Hispanics’ share of total DSE has been up and down during the past year.) Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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