Hispanic & Nationwide Discretionary Spending Estimates, Summer 2011-Summer 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Hispanic & Nationwide Discretionary Spending Estimates

Nationwide discretionary spending was estimated to total $1.77 trillion in the Summer of this year, according to data provided to MarketingCharts by Experian Marketing Services from its latest national consumer study. While the discretionary spending estimate (DSE) for this Summer is up from the same time last year ($1.6 trillion) and the year before ($1.5 trillion), it’s been a bumpier ride this past year nationally than for Hispanics.

Looking first at nationwide trends during the past year, the Experian data indicates that Summer’s $1.77 trillion DSE is down from $1.8 trillion in the Spring, while being roughly on par with the $1.76 trillion estimate for Winter 2013 and the $1.75 trillion estimate for Fall 2012. (It’s worth noting that these figures are not adjusted for inflation.) Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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