Consumer Magazine Ad Trends, Q3 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Consumer Magazine Ad Trends

Sure, it’s not the torrid pace of growth that online advertising is seeing, but it’s positive nonetheless. The latest Publisher Information Bureau (PIB) data from the Association of Magazine Media (MPA) shows that while consumer magazine advertising pages in print were down by 1.8% year-over-year in Q3, ad revenues grew by 4% to about $4.6 billion. For the year-to-date (YTD), spending is up by 1.6%, roughly on par with Kantar’s estimates for H1 growth.

Encouragingly for the consumer magazine industry, the pace of growth appears to be accelerating as the year progresses, as the Q3 figures were better than the YTD results for both print ad pages and revenues.

Meanwhile, among 58 titles that measure both print and iPad advertising, print ad pages and tablet ad units on iPad editions were up by 6.8% in Q3 and by 7% for the YTD period. Among these titles, print and tablet readership grew 2.6% during the first half of the year. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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