Advertisers' Spending Plans By Medium, September 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Advertisers' Spending Plans By Medium

It probably comes as a surprise to no-one that marketers and agencies are optimistic about future spending on online and mobile advertising – after all, spending has been growing rapidly across these channels. But newly-released survey data from Advertiser Perceptions shows that enthusiasm for cable TV spending is also high, with the share of respondents saying they plan to increase ad spending on cable TV outweighing the share indicating they’ll decrease spending by 26% points for marketers and 18% points for agencies.

Those net positive benchmarks represent overall levels of optimism, according to the researcher. While cable TV trails mobile (+56% points for marketers; +65% points for agencies) and digital (+44% points for marketers; +48% points for agencies) by a fair margin, it’s the obvious outlier among the traditional media considered in the survey. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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