Online Video Ad Views By Duration, Q2 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Online Video Ad Views By Duration

Half of rights-managed US video ad views during Q2 were for 30-second spots, the historical standard ad length for broadcast TV, according to the latest quarterly report from FreeWheel. The proportion of ad views represented by 30-second spots has slowly increased from 43% in Q2 2012, as 15-second spots gradually recede. The researchers indicate that this signals a shift towards a linear TV-type viewing experience online. Notably, completion rates tended to remain consistent across 15- and 30-second spots during the quarter.

For digital pure-play networks, completion rates averaged 73% for 30-second pre-rolls (71% for 15-second spots), 94% for 30-second mid-rolls (versus 95%) and 61% for 30-second post-rolls (compared to 43% for 15-second spots). The figures were similar for linear + digital networks: 76% for 30-second pre-rolls (77% for 15-second pre-rolls); 91% for 30-second mid-rolls (versus 97%); and 63% for 30-second post-rolls (versus 61%). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
