Reasons People Click On Smart TV Ads, September 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Reasons People Click On Smart TV Ads

Smart TV ads are quite effective, with full package ad buys potentially outperforming traditional TV on several advertising and brand metrics. So say YuMe and LG in a new study conducted by Nielsen among a small pilot group of US participants. In a larger follow-up survey of smart TV users in the US, the researchers examine the reasons given for clicking on a smart TV ad. Not surprisingly, most said it was because they were interested in the advertised product or brand.

(So, essentially, they click on a smart TV ad for the same reason most consumers would click on an online ad.)

Next up, respondents were equally likely to have clicked on a smart TV ad because it offered a deal (discount/coupon) as they were to have clicked one because it was informative. (For what it’s worth, recent research from Latitude suggest that when it comes to next-generation advertising, the most sought-after creative element from consumers is…. deals!) Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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