Email Subscriber & Sender Stats, August 2013 [TABLE]

Table - Email Subscriber & Sender Stats

Here’s one good reason why email marketers look closely at study data regarding topics such as timing and subject lines: the average subscriber receives 416 commercial emails per month, per new figures released by Return Path, leading the researcher to call the inbox a “battlefield.” While that monthly figure works out to less than 15 emails a day (which some might argue isn’t too many to sift through), the daily count is likely to be higher on traditional workdays, as weekends typically see a lower volume of activity.

The Return Path data comes after earlier survey results from BlueKangaroo found 43% of respondents reporting that more than half of the new emails in their inbox the week prior to the survey came from marketers (including daily deals, retail newsletters, and sales alerts). Return Path notes that the subscriber receiving the most messages gets an average of 115,547 emails per month. One wonders how many of those emails were opened. (None?) Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
