US Real-Time Bidding Digital Ad Spending, 2012-2017 [CHART]

Chart - US Real-Time Bidding Digital Ad Spending

eMarketer has revised its projections for RTB digital display advertising in the US upward, due to upward revisions in the overall digital display ad market.

The company’s latest forecast of US ad spending predicts marketers will spend $3.34 billion this year on real-time-bidded ads, up 73.9% from last year. Previously, in June, eMarketer forecast RTB spending would reach $3.32 billion, for growth of 72.7%. eMarketer has similarly revised upward growth rates and total dollars spent on RTB for future years. eMarketer now expects US advertisers to spend $8.69 billion on RTB ads by 2017, up from $8.51 billion previously forecast. Read  the rest at eMarketer.

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