Email Open & Click-Through Rates By Personalization, 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Email Open & Click-Through Rates By Personalization

63% of consumers in the US and UK believe that they receive so many messages that use their name that it no longer makes any difference to them, recent research suggests. But consumers’ behavior may not support their perceptions. According to a new report from MailerMailer, emails with personalized subject lines saw an average open rate of 12.9% last year, compared to the average open rate of 9.8% for emails that were not personalized.

The study also notes that emails where only the message was personalized achieved an open rate of 13.2%, while those with both subject line and message personalized saw an average open rate of 5.3%. Nevertheless, there’s an argument to be made that message personalization is not much of a factor for opens, as many recipients will only see the subject line before deciding whether or not to open an email. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
