Latina Television Viewing, 2003 vs. 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Latina Television Viewing

Over the past decade or so, Hispanic women have moved away from English broadcast TV, cutting their consumption almost by half, per data from a Nielsen report on the Latina population. Their English broadcast TV minutes have declined by 39 minutes to an average of about 44 minutes, but their time spent watching Spanish-language broadcast TV has increased by a little more than 15 minutes to an average of 1 hour and 35 minutes.

Consumption of Spanish-language broadcast TV continues to outpace any other TV category among adult Hispanic women. It remains slightly ahead of English cable viewing, which has itself increased by almost a quarter-hour, to about 1-and-a-half hours. Spanish-language broadcast TV shows continue to be among the most engaging broadcast TV programs (of any language), according to weekly Rentrak data tracked by MarketingCharts. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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