UK Marketers & Digital Media Spending, May 2013 [TABLE]

Table - UK Marketers & Digital Media Spending

A global shift in marketing budgets from traditional to digital media has been well documented of late, and new survey results from Martini Media suggest that UK marketers are hopping aboard the digital marketing train. 95% of brand advertisers and agencies responding to the survey said they will increase their digital marketing spending this year, with fully 48% of total budgets going to digital media. In particular, 63% will increase their social media investments, 57% their mobile investments, 40% their video investments, and 36% their rich media investments.

Some of the results (such as almost half of the spend being on digital) might be due to the respondent sample: nearly half of the respondents represent products or services geared to high net-worth audiences, and 43% of those target high-income consumers. The researchers note that those brands targeting high-income consumers expected to spend more than twice as much on video and close to twice as much on rich media as mass-market brands. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
