Demographics Of Online Video Viewers By Video Type, May 2013 [TABLE]

Table - Demographics Of Online Video Viewers By Video Type

Online video attracts a significant audience, with 1 in 5 or more American adults watching a TV show online (23%), user-generated content (UGC – 31%), or originally produced online video (OPOV – 19%) on at least a monthly basis, per results from an IAB study [PDF] conducted by GfK. But who are these viewers? The study profiles the audience of each online video type, finding that they each skew male, but more so among OPOV viewers. Viewers of original online content also skew older than those who watch TV shows online.

Looking first at the gender split, the study reveals that 55% of “TV Online” (network TV shows online) are male, with a similar split (56% male/44% female) among user-generated content streamers. Among OPOV viewers (for shows such as House of Cards), males account for 60% of the audience. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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