Video Advertising Impressions By Format, 2010-2012 [CHART]

Chart - Video Advertising Impressions By Format

Interactive pre-rolls represented 36% of video ad impressions in 2012, according to AdoTube’s “2012 Global Format Index,” up from 30% in 2011 and just 19% in 2010. Along with their rising popularity, these ads also drove the highest click-through rates across all of the global markets tracked, and saw their overall engagement rate jump from 2.6% in 2011 to 3.8% in 2012. That compares with an engagement rate of 0.9% for interactive overlays.

While standard pre-rolls still accounted for a plurality 46% of video ads served by AdoTube in 2012, they trailed interactive pre-rolls in CTR across each of the markets examined. On a global basis, they have trailed interactive pre-rolls for 10 consecutive quarters from Q3 2010 through Q4 2012, finishing 2012 with an average CTR of 2.8%, compared to 3.2% for interactive pre-rolls. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
