Top Reasons For Unsubscribing From Emails, March 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Top Reasons For Unsubscribing From Emails

Time and again, consumers say message overload drives them away. Now, another survey, this time from BlueHornet finds a similar result, with frequency overtaking (ir)relevance as the top reason consumers say they unsubscribe from email programs. Last year, relevance (31.4%) and frequency (30.4%) almost equally shared the dubious honor of being the chief reason for unsubscribes. But this year, frequency (35.4%) is clearly the top reason.

That might be a reflection of increased email volume, with a recent study finding that for 4 in 10 consumers, more than half of their new emails are from marketers.

Marketers may be able to prevent churn by offering an “opt down” option (change in frequency, subscription topics, etc.). Given this choice when opting out, 47.1% of respondents said they would always (20.3%) or sometimes (26.8%) use it instead of unsubscribing. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
