Consumer Reactions To Multi-Screen Advertising, March 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Consumer Reactions To Multi-Screen Advertising

Almost three-quarters of multi-screen consumers across 5 major markets agree that advertising can be helpful in telling them about new products or brands that might interest them, according to results from a Microsoft Advertising survey conducted with Flamingo Research and Ipsos OTX. But while these consumers are open to advertising, they’re more welcoming of ad content on some screens than others. The study finds that the 76% are open to advertising on TV, compared to 57% on computers and 51% on tablets. By contrast, less than 4 in 10 welcome ads on gaming consoles (39%) and mobile phones (37%).

Across the 5 markets studied (US, UK, Australia, Canada, and Brazil), TV counts as the most popular device, with 90% owning one. Laptops (81%) are next, followed by smartphones (77%), desktops (69%), gaming consoles (64%), tablets (50%), and e-readers (30%). If those adoption figures seem high, it’s because respondents were required to own a representative mix of devices that could be used for multi-screening. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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