Email Marketing Performance By Daypart, Q4 2012 [TABLE]

Table - Email Marketing Performance By Daypart

As part of its Q4 2012 Email Marketing Quarterly Benchmark Study, Experian Marketing Services has analyzed the best time of the day to send emails, cautioning that the data is retrospective rather than controlled, and that optimal dayparts likely vary by industry, and even by brand. But that doesn’t mean it hurts to take a look at the results. And those seem to suggest somewhat of an inverse relationship between email volume and performance.

For example, looking at time of day, the study finds that a plurality 40% of emails were deployed between 8 AM and 11:59 AM, with that range accounting for 42% of transactions. But, the 16.1% unique open rate and 2.4% unique click rate of this time period counted as the lowest of the 6 distinct periods. To some extent, that could simply be a function of volume, meaning that it could be harder for emailers to differentiate themselves in the morning, when consumers are receiving most of their emails. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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