TV Media Ad Spending In 2012 [TABLE]

Table - TV Media Ad Spending In 2012

Agencies may be seeing a changing media mix, but a new report confirms that TV still commands the lion’s share of advertising dollars. According to the data, provided to MediadailyNews by Standard Media Index (SMI), the major agency holding companies spent 62.4% of their advertising dollars on TV in 2012. The data comes from the processing systems of 4 of the 6 major holding companies, lending it an authority not seen in other survey-based research.

The data also reveals that TV advertising spend growth is keeping pace with overall advertising spend growth. In 2012, buyers increased their TV budgets by 6.5%, almost on par with their 6.9% increase in total outlay. That tracks with data showing that despite the increasing amount of video viewing options available to consumers, the amount of time people spend watching TV (even youth) is holding fairly steady. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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