Technology Adoption Trends, March 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Technology Adoption Trends

Tablets will become the primary computing device for college-age students and younger, supplanting laptops and desktops, agree 66% of agency leaders surveyed by Econsultancy for the latest Society of Digital Agencies (SoDA) Digital Outlook Marketing report. But according to a recent study from Forrester Research, tablet adoption is actually higher among Gen X (33-46) and Gen Y (24-32) adults than their younger Gen Z (18-23) counterparts, at least in the US.

The SoDA report findings are interesting when compared with recent research from the NPD Group. According to NPD, 4 in 10 PC users are now accessing content on their tablets and smartphones instead of their PCs. But while the primary activities being shifted from PCs to tablets are web browsing and Facebook access, the report finds that those and other activities are still far more likely to be performed on a PC than on a tablet. The researchers also maintain that while these “entertainment-centric behaviors” might be migrating to smart devices, “computers will remain the fundamental content creation device in consumer’s tool box for many years to come.” Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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