Mobile Operating System Market Share, 2011 vs 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Mobile Operating System Market Share

Smartphones counted as the leading devices on the Millennial Media network in 2012, according to the company’s year-in-review report. With 75% share of total ad impressions, the smartphone share grew by 7% points from 2011. Non-phone connected devices also grew their share, up 5% points from 15% to 20%, fueled by rapid adoption of tablets. Despite all that change in device mix, the OS mix remained remarkably constant, with Android (48%, up 1% points) and iOS (32%, down 1% point) the clear leaders.

During 2012, Apple and Android consolidated their positions as the leading smartphone platforms, per recent data from comScore. Between the Q1 average and the Q4 average, Google Android grew 2.4% points from 51% share of smartphone subscribers to 53.4%, while Apple did even better, improving 5.6% points from 30.7% share to 36.3%. Interestingly, while comScore data shows BlackBerry’s share of the smartphone market almost halving during the year, the Millennial Media report has BlackBerry’s share of ad impressions constant in 2012 from a year earlier, at 16%. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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