Household Shopping Decision Influence Of Hispanic Men, February 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Household Shopping Decision Influence Of Hispanic Men

Marketers ignoring Hispanic men are missing opportunities by doing so, says Mintel in new research. According to the study, 42% of Hispanic men and 55% of Hispanic fathers are the top decision maker for their household’s purchases. There’s an age trend at play, too: those aged 45-64 are more likely to command the most influence than those aged 25-34 (54% vs. 44%).

Many of this potentially lucrative demographic aren’t too happy with the way they’re represented in the media: fully two-thirds believe they’re stereotyped by advertisers. By contrast, half feel that Hispanic women are positively portrayed in the media.

Looking at various purchase factors, Mintel notes that 44% of Hispanic men purchased a new product after first sampling it in a store, and 42% bought after a recommendation from a friend or family member. Roughly 1 in 3 also said they are more likely to be influenced by ads on Spanish-language TV than on English-language TV, providing more fuel to the burgeoning Spanish-language market. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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