Household Shopping Inspiration Sources, February 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Household Shopping Inspiration Sources

Circulars and flyers provide more inspiration for shopping trips than recipe books, websites, and even family members, according to study results from BrandSpark International and Better Homes and Gardens. The survey of Americans who participate in their household’s shopping trips found that 66.9% say they get ideas for their shopping trips from circulars and flyers, with the next-most influential sources – recipe books (28.5%), newspapers (28.2%), and websites (25.1%) – providing inspiration for far fewer respondents.

Spouses (23.9%) rounded out the top 5 shopping inspiration sources, followed by TV ads (21.2%), friends and family outside the household (16.8%), magazine ads (16.5%) and kids and grandkids (15.9%). Least influential among the sources listed were magazine editorials and articles, cited by just 5% of shoppers. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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