Attitudes Toward Super Bowl Commercials By Gender, January 2013 [TABLE]

Table - Attitudes Toward Super Bowl Commercials By Gender

For one-quarter of Super Bowl viewers this year, the game won’t be the draw, the commercials will be. According to a January survey from the Retail Advertising and Marketing Association (RAMA), conducted by BIGinsight, the commercials were the second-biggest reason for tuning in, cited as the most important part of the experience by more respondents than getting together with friends or the halftime show.

Even those tuning in for the game itself are highly likely to be receptive to commercials. More than three-quarters of respondents told BIGinsight they viewed the commercials as entertainment, up from 73% last year—however, only 10.5% said they were actually influenced to buy as a result of the spots. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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