Consumer Attitudes Toward Advertising Creative & Product Recall, January 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Consumer Attitudes Toward Advertising Creative & Product Recall

Broadly speaking, what types of creative work best in advertising? Survey results from Adobe and Edelman Berland indicate that consumers want ads that tell them stories. According to Nielsen, the most-liked TV ads in 2012 relied on “audience-appropriate humor, an ownable creative concept and a relatable, emotional appeal,” while Ace Metrix finds that the most effective ads “stressed innovation while embracing cause and humor.” A common theme? Humor, which seems to appeal more to Americans than to citizens of other countries, and which consumers believe makes them more likely to remember a product, according to new survey results from Lab42.

The Lab42 results are based on a survey of 500 US consumers, examining their perceptions of TV ads and their ideas of how ads should engage them. (The questions were related to all forms of advertising, rather than to any specific medium.) Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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