Mobile Ad Spending Growth By Vertical, Q3 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Mobile Ad Spending Growth By Vertical

10 verticals grew their mobile ad spending on the Millennial Media platform by triple-digits in Q3, reveals the network in its latest S.M.A.R.T report released today. The auto industry – the largest advertising vertical in the US in Q3 – led the charge, increasing its spend by a whopping 574% year-over-year, after also boasting the biggest hike in Q2. The travel (+431%), education (+421%), and sports (+417%) verticals also bumped up their mobile ad spending in Q3, though telecommunications remained the top spender for the quarter.

The other leading ad spending verticals after telecom were: retail and restaurants; finance; automotive; and travel. The technology industry, which boosted its spend by 294%, snuck into the 10th spot. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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