Tablet Product Searches Prompted By TV By Generation, November 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Tablet Product Searches Prompted By TV By Generation

As TV becomes increasingly one part of a multi-screen experience, new research shows that the marriage of TV and tablets can be a boon for advertisers. 7 in 10 tablet owners say that when they see a product they’re interested in on TV, they use their tablet to get more information, found Harris Interactive in a report conducted on behalf of The Search Agency. This tendency is highest among the 35-44 (81%) and 18-34 (71%) age groups, and drops to a slight majority among older tablet owners.

Millennial men aged 18-34 are more likely than women the same age to turn to their tablets for more information (74% vs. 68%), whereas between the ages of 35 and 44 the numbers even out (81% vs. 82%). Interestingly, men aged 45-54 are far less likely to seek information on their tablets than women (45% vs. 63%), but the majority reverses after age 55 (61% vs. 54%). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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