Video Ad Completion Rates By Video Length, Q1 2011 – Q3 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Video Ad Completion Rates By Video Length

Ads placed in long-form videos of 20+ minutes continue drawing higher completion rates, despite generally increasing ad loads that are markedly higher than for mid- and short-form content, according to  FreeWheel’s Q3 2012 Video Monetization Report, released November 2012. The completion rate for ads placed in long-form content improved to 93% in Q3, the highest rate recorded to date, compared to 79% for mid-form content (5-20 minutes) and 67% for short-form content (under 5 minutes). The study is limited to professionally-produced, rights-managed video content.

Long-form content video naturally packs more ads, with an average of slightly less than 7 ads per video in Q3 2012. That’s down from a high of 7.96 in Q2, but still represents a generally increasing trend, given that the ad load was about 5 in Q3 2011. So, while viewers are seeing about 2 more ads per long-form video, their completion rates on those ads has grown from 82% to 93%. This is a powerful indication that consumers are increasingly willing to watch ads in exchange for compelling, professionally-produced content. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
