Mobile Rich Media Engagement Rates, Q2 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Mobile Rich Media Engagement Rates

Mobile rich media ads saw an average engagement rate of 12.8% in Q2 2012, according to a September 2012 report from Celtra that analyzed 60 campaigns across 4 industry verticals. Engagement rates were by far the highest in the financial vertical (21.5%), although both retail (14.3%) and entertainment (12.1%) also saw double-digit engagement rates, with auto (9.9%) close behind.

These findings support recent research from Opera Advertising, which reported in July that advertisers on its mobile platform were seeing higher engagement rates and dwell times from rich media units, and were shifting their focus accordingly. While in January, HTML5 and video combined comprised 34% of executions, by June, they accounted for 64%. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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