Click-Through Rate Benchmarks By Ad Type [CHART]

Chart - Click-Through Rate Benchmarks By Ad Type

The average click-through rate (CTR) for in-stream video ads in the US was 1.03% for the period spanning Q2 2011-Q1 2012, topping the benchmark rates for mobile banners (0.87%), rich media (0.15%), and standard banners (0.1%), according to an August 2012 report from MediaMind. The study also finds that 92.75% of in-stream video ad impressions were started, 82.43% of those were played half of the way through, and 74.78% were fully played. Despite in-stream video’s dominance in CTR, when breaking down rich media ads into different types, floating ads actually performed better, with a CTR of 1.24%. Floating ads also saw a dwell rate of 28.51% and user average dwell time of 3.11 seconds.

Dwell rate is described by the report as the number of impressions that were dwelled upon divided by the total amount of impressions, with dwell defined as an active engagement with an ad – including positioning the mouse over an ad, user-initiation of video, user-initiation of an expansion, and any other user-initiated Custom Interaction. The study excludes unintentional dwell, lasting less than 1 second. User average dwell time refers to the average duration of a dwell. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
