Smart Phone & Tablet Use While Out Shopping [CHART]

Chart - Smart Phone & Tablet Use While Out Shopping

Mobile owners who use their devices on brick-and-mortar shopping trips use them largely for shopping logistics, according to a survey commissioned by the IAB and conducted by ABI Research, released in July. For example, a significant proportion of smartphone owners who use their devices in-store report checking prices and availability on the internet (35%), finding product information while in the store (31%), scanning barcodes to check prices and availability in-store (30%), and acquiring and redeeming coupons and offers (23%). The survey questioned device owners who had used their devices while shopping in the previous 3 months on the activities they had performed.

Tablet owners use their devices in-store largely the same way, but in far higher percentages, as data from “Mobile’s Role in the Consumer’s Media Day” reveals. 55% of tablet owners who had used their device in-store checked prices and availability on the internet, 54% performed a location-based search, while many also acquired and redeemed coupons (50%) and scanned barcodes to check prices and availability (46%). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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