Americans' Attitudes Toward Hard Work & Success By Various Demographics [CHART]

Chart - Americans' Attitudes Toward Hard Work & Success

7 in 10 of Americans believe that with hard work they can accomplish anything, while 28% believe that success is dependent upon factors like connections, inherited wealth and sheer luck. The most pessimistic group by age are Americans age 18-29, with 33% distrusting the value of hard work, versus 27% across other age groups, according to a report from Penn Schoen Berland in partnership with Burston-Marsteller.Among political affiliations, Republicans are the most optimistic, with 85% trusting in the rewards of hard work, followed by Independents at 66%, and Democrats at 64%.

The most optimistic about hard work are those in their early to mid careers, between ages 30-44: 72% of them believe hard work pays.

These findings follow results of a June 2012 USA Today/Gallup Poll, in which 58% of adults on average said they were dissatisfied with the next generation’s prospects, compared to just 40% who were satisfied. Still, this represents a rebound: after falling from 36% in 1992 to just 24% two years later, satisfaction has climbed back to 40% this year. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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