Blog Purchase Influence By Generation [CHART]

Chart - Blog Purchase Influence By Generation

Roughly two-thirds of consumers who visit or read blogs say that their purchasing decisions are influenced by brand mentions or promotions within the blog’s content, according to survey results released in June 2012 by Burst Media. The 18-34-year-old age group proves most swayed, with about 8 in 10 readers of both genders saying they are influenced by brand mentions in blog content. Beyond this age group, though, women appear more influenced than men. For example, within the 35-54 age group, women are 24% more likely than men to be swayed by brand mentions or promotions within blog content (65.8% vs. 52.9%), while those in the 55+ group are 51% more likely (43.6% vs. 28.8%).

Overall, 57% of the survey respondents report reading blogs. Mothers (61.3%) are the most active consumers, followed by men (56.1%) and other women who are not mothers (55%). Roughly 3 in 4 mothers say their purchase decisions are influenced by mentions or promotions of brands within a blog’s content. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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