Tunheim Partners Wins A Gold SABRE Award

I was delighted to learn last night that my company Tunheim Partners won a Gold SABRE award for our “Conan Chocolate Bacon Head” work on behalf of No Name Premium Meats. In March, we won a Creative Tactics award from the Minnesota PRSA for this work, and now this. It’s always nice being recognized for your work.

Tunheim’s own Pat Lilja put together a little re-enactment video of the conception of the campaign:

In preparation for the campaign, we seeded the Internets with “Conan Chocolate Bacon Head” content, search optimized for those phrases, figuring those were the word people would use if/when they saw Conan’s edible likeness on the Tonight Show. That content included a Facebook page, a Twitter feed, Flickr photos, and a video on YouTube (also created by Pat Lilja):

With a complete Team Tunheim effort, we were successful in getting the bust on the show:

As we anticipated, people searched online for additional content after they saw the show, and world of mouth about the bust drove search traffic, too.

The really fun parts of this campaign were the creative license our wonderful client gave us in conceiving and executing the idea, the challenges in bringing the idea to fruition (getting a 300 lbs block of chocolate across the country), having our hunches verified (anticipated search traffic), and employing a fairly comprehensive communication strategy in execution (media placement, online, word-of-mouth, media relations).

To see all the parts come together with so many of our talented people contributing to the effort was a joy to witness. I’m glad my colleagues are getting the recognition they deserve.

The SABRE (Superior Achievement in Branding and Reputation) Awards are managed by The Holmes Group, a global public relations publishing operation. In the United States, the SABREs have a 20-year history (Holmes Group chief executive Paul Holmes previously managed the CIPRA competition) and are recognized as the most prestigious awards for public relations programming, attracting 1,800 entries each year and drawing a crowd of close to 1,000 professionals to a gala celebration in New York.

The No Name Steaks Team

The No Name Steaks team, from left to right: Jeanna Blomme, Bill Brozak, Kristin Gast, Blois Olson, Bryan Brignac, Myself, Kris Patrow, and Natalie Wires.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
