News Consumption Time By Device, March 2013 [CHART]

Chart - News Consumption Time By Device

BBC survey of more than 3,600 wealthy digital device owners in Australia, Singapore, India, UAE, South Africa, Poland, Germany, France, and the US – billing itself as the “largest global study to date on the consumption of news in the digital age” – reveals that TV is still the primary device for news consumption, at 42% of respondents’ time, compared to 29% for laptops, 18% for smartphones, and 10% for tablets. The study finds that rather than cannibalize TV viewing, the rise of tablets and smartphones actually results in greater overall news consumption.

Indeed, 43% of tablet owners say they watch more TV news than they did 5 years ago. News consumption has increased alongside rising device penetration largely because the platforms complement each other rather than compete, allowing consumers to use different devices at different points during the day. So, while smartphones and laptops are used heavily during the day for news consumption, TV’s usage has a big spike from 5 PM onwards. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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