Customer Service Channels & Expectations, March 2013 [TABLE]

Table - Customer Service Channels & Expectations

Customer service channels are evolving, but 89% of consumers believe it’s important to be able to communicate with brands on any channel and still receive the same quality and efficiency of response, per results from a LiveOps study conducted by Harris Interactive. That means that brands need to step up their social customer service efforts, particularly when it comes to speed of response: previous research has shown a big gap in response times between phone calls and social media.

Indeed, respondents to the LiveOps study indicate that they place a premium on speed: 90% said they value the ability to communicate with a live person on any channel, whether it be voice, email, chat, SMS or social. What’s more, 85% using phone and live online chat expect responses within the hour. Recent figures indicate that such a speed of response isn’t yet being achieved on social channels such as Twitter or Facebook. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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