Shopping Cart Recovery Email Timing, 2011 vs 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Shopping Cart Recovery Email Timing

The percentage of Internet Retailer 1000 companies sending cart abandonment emails grew by 30% in 2012, and it appears that these companies also sent their messages more rapidly post-abandonment, according to results from a Listrak study. 58.7% of the Top 500 companies who sent at least one cart abandonment email sent their first message within 24 hours of abandonment, up 14.8% from 2011. Among the Second 500 sending such emails, 75.3% did so within 24 hours, up 5.9%.

Among the IR 1000 companies that sent 2 or more emails (37.6% share of emailers), 66.5% of the Top 500 sent them within 48 hours of the first message, as did 77.2% of the Second 500. Those also represent increases from 2011, of 8% and 43.2%, respectively. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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