American Magazine Reader Demographics By Social Network, April 2012 [TABLE]

Table - American Magazine Reader Demographics By Social Network

Another study, from the Association of Magazine Media (MPA) in April 2012, broke down social network user distribution not only by age, but also by specific social media sites used. The MPA surveyed US magazine readers who used social media and found that younger respondents were more likely to use certain sites, particularly those with a photo or video focus. Users ages 18 to 24 were more likely than their 25- to 34-year-old counterparts to use YouTube (73% compared to 57%), Twitter (45% to 38%), Instagram (17% to 10%) and Tumblr (15% to 7%). Older respondents were more likely to use LinkedIn, unsurprisingly, while the number of users on Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest was about even between the groups. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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