Mobile App Privacy Concerns By Select Demographics [TABLE]

Table - Mobile App Privacy Concerns By Select Demographics

Some 43% of all mobile phone users use applications, but 54% of those app users have decided not to install an app due to concerns about sharing or collecting of personal information, and 30% have uninstalled an app for the same reason, according to [PDF] a September 2012 report from Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project.

App use appears to decline with age while app caution rises, reveals data from “Privacy and Data Management on Mobile Devices.” 65% of younger mobile phone users (aged 18 to 29) use apps, compared to 53% aged 30 to 49, and 20% aged 50 and older. While 49% of the youngest age bracket have decided not to install an app for privacy concerns, the percentages rise to 55% in the 30-49 age group and 57% in the 50+ age group. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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